FATHER OF CONTACT LENS "OTTO WICHTERLE " Do you know that the contact lenses we are using today are due to whom? Friends, today we are going to talk about a great scientist whose name is OTTO WICHTERLE. Today is his 180th birthday. OTTO WICHTERLE was born on this day i.e. 27 October 1913 in the Republic of CZECH. Wichterle chose science for his career. He graduated in 1936 and received a doctorate in organic chemistry from the Prague Institute of Chemical Technology. Among his various inventions are the child's erector set, a bicycle light battery, a phonograph motor, and homemade glass tubing and Known for the invention of creating the first soft contact lenses with a DIY tool made from molds. He is best known for inventing the modern soft contact lens, which is used by 140 million people in the world for vision needs. He also laid the foundation of cutting-edge medical technologies. Such as smart biomaterials, which are used to restore human connec...